Adam Hillhouse, AIA

I didn’t always want to be an Architect.

Having grown up in and around the profession (my father is an Architect), I learned early on that architecture is a wonderful profession but a challenging business.  Instead I wanted to be a musician, an artist, a philosopher…anything that didn’t require a normal day job.  It wasn’t until I spent three summers in the construction industry that I discovered a love of building things and thus traveled full circle back to the world of architecture; a world that combines all of my passions under one glorious umbrella, able to take me in diverse and unexpected directions.

Today I’m in the exciting process of taking over our family firm and guiding it into its second generation.  This is a daunting task, but one full of surprises and rewards.  I’m thankful to be invited to join the EP blog, and look forward to sharing all of my wild adventures- possibly even offering some insight into my experience as a young  architect in today’s environment.  And while I still find the business aspect of things to be challenging, I couldn’t imagine myself as anything else…ok, except maybe a rock star.

B.A. in Environmental Design, University of Colorado- Boulder, May 2002
M. Arch, University of Colorado- Denver, May 2006
IDP Complete, 2008
ARE Complete, 2009
Licensed in CO & HI